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Showing posts from October, 2019

Wide Open Spaces

 Hello everyone!  I hope that life has been sweet.  It's been awhile since I wrote to y'all so I figured I should give a little update on life.  I'll share some of the ups & downs and adventures & boring moments of this new 'adult' life I've been living. Recap of Life in NC Yes, I still live here.  No, my cooking hasn't gotten any better.  I successfully burnt banana bread TWICE as well as a couple other things.  I really need to stop trying to multitask while I am baking because it never ends well.  Life has been busy, but good.  It's hard being away during the fall.  There seems to be so much going on at home - school and sports and harvest and blizzards (I do not miss those) and my fear of missing out is kicking in.  However, I feel like I have learned more about myself in the past 4 months than I have in the past 22 years of my life.  It's crazy what moving to a new place by yourself will teach you! ...